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Tuesday 12 September 2017

things not to say to a pregnant women

this are the things not to say to a pregnant woman
No, I'm sorry, you don't know what it's like. Empathy bellies make as much sense as supporting a friend who's fighting cancer by giving yourself unnecessary chemo. "Oh look, I'm throwing up and losing my hair, too! I totally get what it's like having cancer!" Nope.
You want to do something nice for a pregnant woman? Take off the belly and make yourself useful. A pregnant woman needs a lot of help. But you know what they don't need? A lot of jaw-droppingly awful comments and questions.
Men alone aren't guilty of this. Anyone, of any gender, who's not currently pregnant or have forgotten what it was like, will say things to a pregnant women that are inappropriate, rude, or just none of their goddamn business.
Before you talk to another pregnant woman—whether she's your wife, girlfriend, colleague, or just a friend—consult this handy guide for you should definitely, never, ever, ever say to her, along with some helpful pointers of what to say instead.
Don’t Say This:
“Why are you sweating so much?”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Um…because I’m cooking a human being and it never stops. Being overheated, sweaty, and red-faced are kind of standard.
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Say This Instead:
“You’re glowing.”
Don’t Say This:
“Should you eat all of that?”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Remember that part about the human being growing inside me? Yeah. Where do you think it's getting its food?
Say This Instead:
“Can I get you some more?”
Don’t Say This:
“Why are you crying?”
Why Is That Wrong?:
There might be a real reason, but it’s doubtful. She’s crying because the towel in the bathroom was still damp. Or the puppy found it’s way home in the car commercial. Don’t ask.
Say This Instead:
“I bought more tissues. I love you.”
Don’t Say This:
“I can’t believe you have four more months.”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Whether an indication of belly size or lack of time elapsed, be assured she knows exactly how many days are left. Spin it in a positive way.
Say This Instead:
“I can’t believe you only have four more months.”
Don’t Say This:
"You are getting gigantic!"
Why Is That Wrong?:
Avoid the word gigantic, in this moment and in all moments relating to a woman’s appearance.
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Say This Instead:
"When are you due?”
Don’t Say This:
“How fast do you think you’ll lose the baby weight?"
Why Is That Wrong?:
No. Just no.
Say This Instead:
“How are you feeling?”
Don’t Say This:
“I deleted Downton Abbey from the DVR.”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Don’t mess with a pregnant woman’s TV schedule.
Say This Instead:
“I just downloaded every romantic comedy ever made for you.”
Don’t Say This:
“Damn, can I touch those?”
Why Is That Wrong?:
You sure do know how to make a lady feel special. Want me to twerk for you, too?
Say This Instead:
“Your breasts are gorgeous."
Don’t Say This:
“I ate the last piece.”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Whether it’s pizza, bread, candy, or an apple, never eat the last piece of anything while a pregnant woman in the house.
Say This Instead:
“Are you saving this piece of lasagna, or can I have it?”
Don’t Say This:
“I finished the TUMS.”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Again, don’t eat the last anything.
Say This Instead:
“I picked up some more TUMS. The smoothie kind that you like. And I got two kinds of Maalox.”
Don’t Say This:
“My mom says she hated being pregnant.”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Some people love pregnancy and some people hate it, but don’t make us defend our opinion.
Say This Instead:
“How’s your pregnancy going?”
Don’t Say This:
“You look tired. Do you need a nap?”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Yes. You always need a nap. There is no tired like a pregnancy tired. Don’t remind her that she looks exhausted.
Say This Instead:
“I booked you a prenatal massage and I’ll take the kids to the park so you can have a moment.”
Don’t Say This:
“So was it planned or a surprise?”
Why Is That Wrong?:
Nobody plans on getting pregnant, even if you’re trying. It’s always a surprise.
Say This Instead:
“Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?”
(Thinking about becoming a parent? Great idea! But just be forewarned, Having Children Is a Great Idea
“Get all the sleep you can now.”
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Why Is That Wrong?:
Sleeping in your third trimester is challenging. Navigating the belly, hip pain, back pain, swollen ankles, acid reflex, and the baby squirming and jumping do not make for sound sleep.
Say This Instead:
“I’ll bet you can’t wait to see your sweet baby sleeping."
Don’t Say This:
“You’re planning to breastfeed, right?”
Why Is That Wrong?:

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